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Who dis?

If you are here, that means you want to know more about me. And you make a man so happy. Like, man-writes-about-himself-man-figures-someone-read-his-story-man-feels-important kinda happy.

First of all, let me start with this: My name is Harun. That is pronounced as Horan but with the O and A switched. And no, I am not Irish. You can also pronounce it as Aaron.

I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts, and I lead a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I have loved books and computers with all my heart, and to me, this has always been enough. Yes, I stole this from The Notebook.

-- Seriously, though:

I enjoy learning and writing about creative stuff (design, filmmaking) and philosophy, spending an enormous amount of time on computers (technophile), having late-night thoughts on what old dudes said and wrote centuries ago (philosophile) – and I get a feeling I do not know how to put into words yet when I read a book that interests me (bookworm). Later in life, I also found that playing with pixels (designing) and frames (video editing) also interest me, and I’ve been fortunate enough to turn these passions into a career.

In addition to those, I enjoy sharing what I know, volunteering, and contributing to others’ lives. I also take many online courses and love seeing the way people's faces light up when they talk about their passions.

Oh, and I speak some English, some Arabic, and a lot of Somali.

-- Finally,

If this sounds like someone you would like to get in touch with, here is my email:, or my social media handle: @Harunwaqoe (Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn).

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me! And yeah, you can join my newsletter, where I talk about what's up with creative industry, technology, philosophy and sometimes myself.

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